How To Earn Comps At Casinos

In order to get credit for your casino, you need to get a Player’s Card, which you can do free of charge, although this process is not applicable on Prediksi Singapore as it is really easy for players to get credit there. Even if you are not going to gamble a lot you should still get a card, as if you have one you can get mailed and e-mailed for discounted hotel rooms. It is a fact that in Atlantic City that almost 2/3rd of hotel rooms are given away for free.
When you have your Player’s Card and play slots all you have to do to get comp points is put your card in the machine before you begin playing. If you are playing table games then just put the card next to your money when you buy chips. When you play slots or video poker the printout on the card reader will show you the amount of earned comp points you have accumulated. The bigger casinos will also have a brochure at the Player’s Club desk that will show you how many points you must accumulate before you can get such things as free rooms or free buffets.
Typically, casino comps are given depending on how much you gamble and not how much money you lose. Even if you win you can still get comps. Casinos are aware that even if you are a winner that they are as well with the house edge, so they look at the amount of money that you are wagering and know if you are winning or losing. One exception is that it is the case that you can get more comps if you lose big. The size of the casino will be the dependent factor on how big a loss is. Another exception is that you can be rewarded for your big win with comps. When you win you will get comped, as the casino wants you to come back so they have the chance to get their money back.
Claiming Your Comps
You have to ask for your comps to get them. If you play machine games you need to head to the Player’s Cub desk and they can give you what you have earned depending on how many points you have accumulated. When you play table games you should ask the pit boss for the comps. If you are not sure how much you have to pay to get the comps that you want to get all you have to do is ask, as the pit boss will tell you. Why wouldn’t they, as if you play more the casino makes more money.
Ways to Increase Comps
When you are playing table games the comps you will get will be based on the average size of your wager. The crew on the floor, pit bosses, will input into their computer your bet size. The bet that is the most important is the first one that you make and the bets directly after that. If your first few bets are more than they usually are the pit boss might input a higher number for your average bet.
You can also get comped more if you slow play at the tables. Play at a table that is full and take your sweet time when decision-making. If you play slower you will lose less, but it may be the case that you will be comped just like you would be by playing at a normal pace.